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Google Ads PPC or Pay-Per-Click marketing is a fantastic resource for driving valuable traffic to your website. Google Ads service complements other aspects of an online marketing strategy such as content marketing, social media engagement, search engine optimization (SEO), and more. However, while it can be an extremely effective strategy for businesses looking to convert visitors to buyers/clients, there are some common problems you may face. Here is a rundown on these problems you may encounter with Google Ads PPC.
An effective Google Ads management strategy would entail having a high-quality score. However, Google Ads PPC does not work on a straight-forward ‘auction’ system. Google sets quality scores on different parameters of the Google Ads campaign, such as
The more relevance the Ad campaign has along with the more clicks by potential customers, the higher the Quality Score, which attracts lower rates per click. Conversely, the lower the Quality Score, the higher rates you need to pay per click, and the ad campaign suffers by getting allotted to poor and ineffective ad positions.
Here, a white label Google Ads management company may be able to help improve the Quality Scores by making the necessary modifications to the Google Ads campaign.
CTR or Click-through Rate is the number of times the ad receives clicks divided by the number of times the ad is shown. A Google Ads PPC campaign is only effective if the CTR is high; a low CTR means that you won’t get traffic or sales. Here, a Google Ads expert can help rectify this situation by assessing and amending the ads campaign strategy in various ways such as:
Your ads might be getting plenty of clicks but those clicks aren’t getting converted to sales. In this case, the problem does not usually lie with your PPC campaign but with your site’s landing pages. A Google Ads expert may be able to identify any problems with the PPC campaigns and advise you on how to remedy the situation. You may need to adjust your marketing copy or change your product photos and other such details to stir up sales. Another option to increase conversion rates would be to offer potential customers an email newsletter or a downloadable report or infographic. These are great ways to build trust with potential customers.
Google Ads service has been a boon for advertisers and marketers the world over. It is, without a doubt, the most cost-effective way to generate traffic and sales. However, without proper Google Ads management, PPC campaigns can quickly become a money sink for businesses. Businesses will do well to employ the expertise of a white label Google Ads management company to improve their PPC campaign and ensure its success.
Also read: How To Turn GOOGLE SHOPPING ADS SERVICES Into Success